Hugo Basics

Hugo Basics

avatar Teja P 22 May 2024
Create a site hugo new site sitename Start a server hugo server To see draft files also use hugo server -D adding a theme execute git submodule add themes/ananke in bash inside your new site …
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Java 22 Features

Java 22 Features

avatar Teja P 19 May 2024
Unamed variables Now with Java 22 we an crate unname varibles. Earlier versions of java has few rules for variables like it should start with a letter, numbers not allowed as vairable names etc. In java 22 you can use _ as a variable name, but you …
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Regular Expressions in Python

Regular Expressions in Python

avatar Teja P 19 May 2024
To use regular expressions in python you need to import re module Regular expressions are used for pattern matching Simple Match Searches for the given pattern in that string and return True or False If you want to ignore case you can use re.I # …
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Users And Permissions in Liferay

Users And Permissions in Liferay

avatar Teja P 20 October 2023
Users Organizations are an entity in Liferay that can group users in a distributed hierarchy. Practically, this means that large organizations can empower and delegate Users to administer their Organizations. User Groups are another way to group …
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Indexes in database

Indexes in database

avatar Teja P 17 July 2023
Indexes help to retrieve the data faster. It is because database does not have to scan the whole database to retrieve the data, normally this searching is done linearly i.e row by row, so if you are retrieving a 100th record it has to read all the 99 …
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